Tel: 01275 855563


Summer Show

The Summer Show is coming up soon (Saturday 3rd August) so it’s time to start thinking about your entries. You can download a copy of the schedule here or pickup a paper copy from John Brown’s Hardware store in the High Street, the Library in Colliers’ Walk or from 65 High Street. There are lots of classes to enter, including flowers, vegetables, handicrafts, preserves and cakes, photography and plenty of children’s classes. The last date for entry is Wednesday 31st July.

Next Lecture Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 11 September 2024, starting at 7.30pm in the URC Hall on Stockway North in Nailsea. Our speaker will be Martyn and Val Davis, talking about “Autumn Container Planting”.

Report from AGM

We held our AGM on 8 November 2023, followed by wine and cheese. For 2024, we have agreed to keep all our charges unchanged (annual membership at £5/person, adult entry to the Spring and Summer shows at £2 (members and accompanied children free of charge), entry to lecture meetings £2 for members and £3 for non-members).

Nailsea & District Horticultural Society

flower shows and prize vegetables at Nailsea Horticultural Show

Our Mission

The Society exists to encourage all aspects of gardening within Nailsea and the surrounding districts. It does this by organising flower shows, holding a series of monthly talks on gardening subjects and arranging occasional outings for members to gardens and other places of interest.

What We Do

A spring show is held on the first Saturday in April (12.00 noon on 6 April for 2024) and a summer show on the first Saturday in August (12.00 noon on 3 August for 2024). The shows are held in Nailsea School, Mizzymead Road, Nailsea.

The Society’s monthly gardening talks are held in the United Reformed Church Hall, Stockway North, Nailsea on the second Wednesday in each month starting at 7.30pm. These talks take place in each month except August, when there is a summer break, and November, when the Society holds its Annual General Meeting.

Upcoming Members’ Events

These may be found under “Events” at the top of this page, and include the Society’s programme of gardening talks for 2024; details of the outings arranged for 2024 have not yet been finalised.

Gardening Tips and Newsletters

These may be found under “News & Tips” at the top of this page.

Gardening Supplies

Looking for good value gardening supplies? Check out the Nailsea and District Gardeners’ Association at their hut on the Whitesfield Road allotment site. More details under “News & Tips” “Gardening Supplies” above including opening times for 2024.

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